Our projects

Project 1-2023
Auction of artworks that were bought from artists with disabilities on 29.11.2023 :
Organization of auction: 2800 BGN.
Cost of artworks: 15140 BGN.
Bank expences: 105,16 BGN.
Total: 18025,16 BGN.
Founding capital: 15,000 BGN
Amount raised from the auction: 47,800 BGN
Donations: 15,750 BGN
Total available on 12/14/23: 60,504.84 BGN
For the purposes of the foundation, we are currently researching schools in Plovdiv that are having lack of an accessible environment.
Follow us in our causes.
Founding capital: 15,000 BGN
Amount raised from the auction: 47,800 BGN
Donations: 15,750 BGN
Total available as of 12/14/23: 60,504.84 BGN

Meeting at the RCPPPO-Plovdiv with the Minister of Education of Bulgaria.
On 17.11.2023 At a meeting with the Minister of Education, many important issues related to sports for children with limited mobility and developmental disabilities were discussed. The Minister came to award the silver medalists of the Special Olympics in Berlin. Communication of the hockey team together.
Constructive talks were held to encourage the joint efforts of the state sector, the non-governmental sector and business to strengthen efforts in the field of sports and arts for children with special needs. A contact was established, which later developed during a conference at Plovdiv University.

With the support of the "Creators of Hope" Foundation, on February 14, 2024, children from the RCPPPO-Plovdiv center were included in the XXI National Exhibition-Competition "SAINT TRYPHON CURED" - 2024.
The Foundation organized the trip of the children, parents and teachers.
Children from the RCPPPO-Plovdiv center participated, 2 of them received participation awards, and 1 of the kids won second place.

Sindaco Sofia - meeting with the Mayor of the Sredets Sofia district, Mr. Traycho Traykov, on
February 28
We had an interesting and fruitful meeting with Mr. Traycho Traykov regarding the development of an accessible environment for people with limited mobility. As well as to get more attention to this topic and possible ways for joint cooperation between our foundation and the Sredets Sofia district mayor's office.

Production of tactile maps for visually impaired people for public buildings in the Sredets district, Sofia.
The Foundation provided the production of 5 tactile maps for public buildings and sites in the Sredets district. The maps will be placed in public places in the center of Sofia, such as underpasses, the district administration building and other key locations, with the aim of improving the accessibility of the urban environment for visually impaired people, providing them with the opportunity for easier and safer orientation in spaces.

Meeting at the RCPPPO-Plovdiv related to the LIA Erasmus+ Project
On 29.02.2024. we were participants in a fruitful meeting at the RCPPPO-Plovdiv related to the LIA Erasmus+ Project.
We are proud to be a part of a team that proved that where there is a desire, borders and barriers do not exist! The Minister of Sports and the Deputy Minister were present. Contacts and opinions were exchanged, which initiated the idea of holding the “Santorelli Cup”

Career Day at the Faculty of Education of Plovdiv University
Members of the foundation introduced the attendees to our initiatives.
The topic of the importance of the social direction in pedagogy, the increased attention to the topic of children with special needs and the opportunities for future employment of students was raised.

Performance "The Eighth Miracle"
On the 12th of June, in Burgas, at the Summer Theater, performance "The Eighth Miracle" by the Bulgarian National Theater "Bulgarians" was performed. "Creators of Hope" Foundation provided 30 tickets for children with disabilities.

All Together”
social inclusion initiative.
On June 27, 2024, we experienced an incredible meeting, organized by the "Creators of Hope" charity foundation in collaboration with Santorelli Company. During this event, we were happy to welcome children with special needs from the "Irreconcilable" field hockey team together with the children from the "Blagonravie" Sunday school at the "St. Athanasius" church in Asenovgrad.

The first international field hockey tournament "Santorelli Cup 2024 ID" has ended with a huge success! 🏑
From August 23 to 25 this year in the beautiful Bulgarian resort of Albena, the first international field hockey tournament for children and youth with special needs in sports, was held under the patronage of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Santorelli family and in cooperation with the Bulgarian Federation of field hockey.
This event brought together teams from Bulgaria, Italy and Ireland, who showed exceptional sportsmanship, team spirit and unwavering will. The "Santorelli Cup 2024 ID" has become a real celebration of sports and an inspiring example that you can believe in yourself, in your strengths and capabilities, despite all the challenges.
🥇 Congratulations to the national team of Italy, who won the championship!
🥈 Silver medals for the Bulgarian team, which performed well!
🥉 Bronze medals for the Irish team!
Special thanks to the Santorelli family, the main sponsor and patron of this inspiring event, as well as to the Albena resort and Mr. Stanev personally for the wonderful location and accommodation of all participants.
We are looking forward for the next tournament of cup in 2025!

National Conference on Good Practices outside of School Activities: “Challenges of Inclusive Education”
It was jointly presented by the foundation and the center RCPPPO-Plovdiv to a huge audience, more than 300 people attended, specialists from all over Bulgaria. It was attended by habilitated persons from the Plovdiv, Shumen and Sofia Universities as well as directors of RCPPPO from 17 regions.

Sponsoring of a printed version of book for Rosen Karamfilov
Rosen Karamfilov is a very interesting and extraordinary person. He is a poet, artist and a big friend of Mr. Michele Santorelli, a very creative person with a big heart. The very letters and words turn into incredible poetry from his mouth. Rosen was a participant in our first auction, where his paintings were sold out with a bang. In September 2024, "Creators of Hope" Foundation made a donation for the publication of Rosen's book - "Entrances and Exits".

Joint initiative of "Apart" theater and RCPPPO-Plovdiv
On June 26, the premiere of the show "Don't Touch the Suitcase" took place.
As a result of the joint work, the RCPPPO-Plovdiv and the theater "Apart" concluded a contract for dealing with children with special needs.
The Foundation decided to be involved in supporting these pursuits. The RCPPPO-Plovdiv Foundation and Center decided to split the costs regarding the amount for the continuation of this project.
A second performance will take a place in "Sofroniy Vrachanski" school in December.

Prayer for Children with Disabilities
"Creators of Hope" foundation added it's contribution by inviting 30 children with special needs and their families to the Holy Ascension Church. The foundation provided not only spiritual support to the children, but also a special three-month course in therapeutic horse-riding. This initiative offers children unique therapeutic activities that promote both their physical and emotional well-being.

Purchase of a speaking microphone for Kristian Grigorov.
A speaking microphone was purchased for the talented Kristian Grigorov. He is a musician and artist. This microphone will become part of Kristian's new music studio.

On December 5, 2024, with great pleasure and gratitude we accepted the "ProSport 2024" Award on behalf of "Creators of Hope" Foundation. We thank Special Olympics Bulgaria for organizing the event and everyone who contributes to creating a more inclusive society through sport.
We will continue to be committed to equality and inclusion for all!

On December 9, 2024 in Plovdiv, our foundation became part of the Round Table "Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Volunteer Activities in Bulgaria", organized by the Association "Big Brother, Big Sister - Bulgaria", which included people with disabilities, representatives of social institutions and the civil sector from Plovdiv, Sofia, Burgas, Smolyan, Pazardzhik.

Opening of a ramp for people with disabilities at middle-school "Sofroniy Vrachanskyi" in Plovdiv
On December 10th, a ramp for wheelchairs will be opened at SU "Sofroniy Vrachanski" in Plovdiv. This is a big and important step for the school and for our foundation. The project is fully financed with funds collected from the charity auction on November 29, 2023. Thanks to the installed ramp, the school will have a more accessible environment for children, parents and adults who visit the building. Now the school will be more convenient for all it's visitors.